Manifest Money Tips

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Staying Motivated for Attracting Money

In order to create financial abundance, you must understand we are all born with the ability to attract financial abundance.

However, we are not taught how to attract abundance, or manage it in schools.

The truth is, if everyone knew how to attract money, there would no longer be an elite class, employing millions of people every day at minimum wage.

They would have more competition and they wouldn't be as rich. Of course they don't want this to happen!

So they result to hiding their money making secrets from the poor and middle class.

The rich know the techniques and science behind the Law of Attraction but refuse to admit it. They keep us in the dark and wondering how they amassed so much wealth.

The secret is that the Law of Attraction really exists, and works.

The Law of Attraction is a science, and that science revolves around your brain.

This is your conscious, and more importantly your sub-conscious which is responsible for manifesting prosperity.

You must learn to reprogram your sub-conscious to see wealth opportunities, because they exist, everywhere around you and me.

It takes just thirty days for you to reprogram your sub-conscious to see your manifesting wealth opportunities.

This isn't long considering you are essentially rewriting how to perceive and make money.

Think of your manifesting wealth journey as a marathon. You have to train for the big day, everyday.

If you train your sub-conscious to manifest money. You will be ready for the big day where your manifesting prosperity opportunity comes along.

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